
本文最后更新于 2023-07-07,文中内容可能已过时。

虽然我英语四级没过,词汇量也不很多,甚至下降了很多,但是对于英语的语法我还是很喜欢的,马上快四级了又,复习整理一下以前的语法笔记。以下内容纯手打!! 先从倒装句开始吧!分为三大类,部分倒装,完全倒装和形式倒装。先复习第一种。

部分倒装: 把谓语动词的一部分(助动词,be 动词,情态动词)提到主语前面。

xx 也如此,xx 也一样

表示前面的内容也适用于后者,用"so/nor/neither + 动词 + 主语"句型。表“xx 也如此,xx 也一样”。可用,;and隔开(注意情形)。


  1. They love having lots of friends, so dothe disabled.(这里the + 形容词表一类人)
  2. I have had a new idea; so hasmy friends.
  3. Lily can’t ride bicycle, nor/neither canlucy.
  4. The injured look disappointed(沮丧的), so didsenior citizens.(老人) (否定前缀词 ≠ 否定)
  5. If you aren’t for the plan; nor/neither willI.
    ,; 前的句子若为从句,先将主句补充出,其后再根据主句改。
    这里主句应为: I will not be for the plan.(be for 同意)
  6. It is burning(燃烧) hot today, so it is(那确实) and/; so was (it)yesterday.(这里只用用 and 或;)
  7. Everyone is here and looks upset, so it is with Mary = it is the same withMary.
  8. The truth is that no one is perfect.When all potential(潜在的) for ugliness in removed, so is all of the potential for beauty.



  1. Neither does Mr.Green know the matter(事件) nor does he care about it.
    neither……nor…… 既不也不 either……or……要么要么,不是就是
  2. Not only did we lose our way but also (we) came close to losing our lives.(come close to 接近,差一点就)
  3. Not until I began to work hard did I realize how much time I had wasted.
    I didn’t realize how much time I had wasted until I began to work hard.
  4. No sooner had they arrived at the tomb than they fell ill.(一……就……)
  5. In no case will we give up half-way.
  6. Hardly does Jim think it possible to finish the task before/when dark.
    hardly…before/when 一……就……   这里取"几乎不"释义应该更合适。
  7. Not a (single) mistake has Mary made so far.(玛丽到目前为止一个错误也没犯。)
    not a (single) + 单数名词 表示“一个也没有”%}
  8. In no time(立刻马上) Jone worked out the figure(体积). (无否定不倒装)

only + 状语位于句首


  1. Only in this way are you able to do it well.
    You are able to do it well only in this way.
  2. Only when they returned home did they understand what had happened.
  3. Only on such a trip will you gain a better appreciation(理解) of Eurepean literature.
  4. Only the teacher got the news that our school could have a 4-day holiday.(同位语从句,only+主语所以不倒装)

So/Such…that… 句型位于句首

So + adj + a/an + 单数名词 = Such + a/an + adj + 单数名词 如此 ... 以至于 ... so 侧重于 adj/adv such 侧重于 n. 比如,so many/much/few/little


  1. So crowded was the art gallery(展览会) that I couldn’t move about (it).
  2. Such good weather was it that we all went out last week.
  3. Such a lovely girl is kate that everyone likes her.
  4. So loudly did he speak that even people next room could hear him.

as 引导让步狀语从句

as 引导让步状语从句(虽然,即使,尽管,无论),把从句中的表语,动词,副词提至句首 (as 后不用再倒装了),当表语是名词时,提至句首时一律用零冠词(其中 as 可用 though 替代,倒装后省略 but,though,however,even,though,although 等)


  1. Child as he is,he knows a lot.
  2. Poor as King was,he tried his best to help others.
  3. Try as he may,he has never made his boss satisfied.
  4. Search as you would,you could find no body in the room.
  5. Much as I want to buy the car,I can’t afford(支付) it.

把虚拟语气从句中的 were,had,should 提至句首,并省略 if


  1. Had you followwed my advice,you couldn’t have made such a silly mistake.
  2. Were you not a boy,you could wear a dress.
  3. Should he invite me,I might take part in this party.


always,often,many a time(many times 多次),every + 时间,now and then(时不时的)


  1. Many a time has he offered me some good suggestions.
  2. Now and then does my class teacher warn us not yo use cellphones in the classroom.


How do you do that?
What is wrong? = What is the matter?

Buy me a coffee~