B.Higher h-index
B. Higher h-index
The h-index of an author is the largest h where he has at least h papers with citations not less than h.
Bobo has no papers and he is going to publish some subsequently. If he works on a paper for x hours, the
paper will get (a·x) citations, where a is a known constant. It’s clear that x should be a positive integer.
There is also a trick – one can cite his own papers published earlier.
Given Bobo has n working hours, find the maximum h-index of him.
The input consists of several test cases and is terminated by end-of-file.
Each test case contains two integers n and a.
For each test case, print an integer which denotes the maximum h-index.
• 1≤ n ≤109
• 0≤ a ≤ n
• The number of test cases does not exceed 104.
Sample Input
3 0
3 1
1000000000 1000000000
Sample Output
For the first sample, Bobo can work 3 papers for 1 hour each. With the trick mentioned,
he will get papers with citations 2,1,0. Thus, his h-index is 1.
For the second sample, Bobo can work 2 papers for 1 and 2 hours respectively.
He will get papers with citations 1+1,2+0. Thus, his h-index is 2.
题意:给定 n 个小时,可以用其中 x(1<=x<=n) 个小时写一篇论文,那么这篇论文的"既定"引用数将会是x*a
(a 为给定正整数);此外,已经写好的论文将会被其后写成的论文所引用,也就是说,这篇论文的总引用数将会是"既定"引用数+其后论文篇数;问在所有的写论文方案中(例如一种方案就是用 n 个小时写 n 篇论文,每篇论文各花 1 小时(可以得到这 n 篇论文的引用数)),h 最大为多少 (h 的含义同上题)(每一种方案都对应着一个 h,求这些 h 中的最大者)
思路:最优方案(即对应 h 值最大的方案)是平摊 n 小时写成 n 篇论文(证明未知);此时 n 篇论文的引用数为 a,a+1,a+2,…,a+n-1,引用数为 a+i 时,引用数大于等于它的论文有 n-i 篇,令 a+i=n-i 得 i=(n-a)/2, 所以 h=a+(n-a)/2;
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